
Hi, I'm Shanna, a feral human, witchy AF, professional rule-breaker and match lighter...also I play flutes...

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It's time to be UNCAGED!

It's here! I've poured everything I have been integrating and alchemizing this past year into this mini-program for you, and it feels like the most alive thing in my heart right now. From the day we're born, we've been conditioned and domesticated to submit to the systems of our society and world, and we've been convinced that it's normal to people-please, feel anxiety, experience depression, make ourselves smaller, hustle-and-grind, be exhausted, feel overwhelmed, etc, etc, etc. It's...

Y’all, I have just finished the final draft of the material for UNCAGED and I’m actually a bit scared by how powerful this is going to be. It's a good scared, because I know it'll radically change people’s lives. Hot Damn! This is going to be so fabulous!!! (yes, I'm enthusiastic and I shan't dim this enthusiasm) So, if you’ve been on the fence or thinking about it, now’s the moment you get-to decide… Are you ready to burn off all the layers of fear disguised as wisdom that Are NOT you? Is it...

Here’s the truth, unvarnished and brutal: When you start to remove the all the layers that are not you…All the cage bars…it is going to feel AWFUL for, well, I don’t know how long. Yeah, I’m a great saleswoman aren’t I? –> “Come take my course, you’ll feel like shit for a while!” (#facepalm) I want to be clear on what to expect because I want you to know what you’re agreeing to when you join UNCAGED. Here’s why it’ll feel awful: Your nervous system and brain love familiarity and certainty....

What do you want to have more courage for today? I’ll go first: I want more courage to boldly proclaim the deeper things I want to share.I want more courage to ask for help. Now, you’d think bc I help other people access this for themselves that I’d have it all figured out all the time, right? Hard NOPE! I’m a flawed human too and being human in this world is an ongoing problem we have to solve for every day. Some days (ahem today) I wake up with my brain offering superbly NOT helpful...

Hi Friends! Recently I found myself feeling like I was running in place, taking steps and ultimately going nowhere fast. I felt like something was keeping me stuck – spoiler alert, it was me. I had been looking backward at what I have done in the past and using that as a measuring stick to what I could do now. That friendly little monster of fear was gnawing on my ankle bone again because I didn't have any past experience to gauge the possible future on... Ever feel like that? I find it's a...

You know that feeling when everything feels SO ALIVE? Yeah, the one where you feel indescribably happy and content? …So Fulfilled from within that your whole body vibrates with such urgency you’re not sure how you’ll contain it? ...Bursting with a feeling of joy and love so BIG you feel like you might just explode? …Overcome with awe and wonder that you get-to experience and witness this moment and feeling? It’s like time stops and all the 10,000 worries and cares in your life drop away…...

Hi Reader! The shackles have finally fallen off… The damn has broken loose… For months I have felt both free and held captive as I finished the last stages of a big move and life change that has taken about a year to complete. That’s a LONG time to be “in the process” and neither here-nor-there. Everyone saw the external changes and was happy (or not, lol) for me and it seems to be expected that everything was fine. And to a large degree, that was true! Lots of beauty and happiness has been...

Hi Reader! I'm having so much fun, I've added more free Single Quick Change Sessions are available for a limited time! Here’s why you should take me up on this opportunity: Someone came into a quick-change session last week wanting help with a core negative belief about themselves. This old pattern was causing them to feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed the moment they entered a friend gathering they really wanted to be at. They would go to the bathroom to regroup immediately, keep their ideas...

Hi Reader! I sent a couple of juicy things in the last couple weeks and I want to make sure you saw them...because both of them are so valuable. They tell you to never talk about more than one thing in an email, but I know you're smart enough to handle more than one concept, so here we go! :) 1) Over the last few months I've been wrestling with the feelings of "I Don't know" a lot alot...and I've come to understand how sacred that not-knowingness is. It gives us space to get...

Hi Reader! I’m endlessly fascinated and in awe of what my clients do and how they transform themselves, becoming more of who they always were but had forgotten. I love having the front row seat to this process, watching their eyes light up and their whole body relax when they give themselves permission to set that boundary with their mother who endlessly criticizes their life choices. When they shift from feeling like a complete mess when that person rolls their eyes yet again at their ideas...